My first reaction is that this is a stupid idea -- along the lines of "you won't take my money when I want to spend it on you, so I'll stop spending money on you for longer!"
But on reflection, I think this is a great idea. Think about it. What's going to happen when the league comes back? Faux-apologetic pricing discounts! ie tickets which are marginally cheaper than normal! And if the hard-core fans boycott the league, that'll mean there is less demand for them, which means A) I'll be more likely to afford to go, and B) I'll be more likely to get a good seat when I go.
And if the boycott really does have an effect, then at the very least the pricing will be extended -- if not reduced to actual-apologetic pricing! Thus improving the chance that I'll be able to go more than once!
So I say on with the boycott! Thanks for the seats!
But really, we know that the majority of those loudly proclaiming that they'll boycott will have their bums firmly in seats one the league resumes play next fall, and those who actually stop paying their money will be in a minority, so the net effect on attendance will be minimal.