In the spirit of "someone's already done the math", here is a site that you can use to see how close to elimination the team is.
I like the concept of a "tragic number".
But all that aside, the team's current run does make one wonder what might have been; someone pointed out that if the team had taken the three games from the Islanders that they had lost they would be six points closer to a playoff spot, and the playoffs would be a real possibility from there. This alone shows how tight the east really is in mid-field.
Unfortunately if the Senators are a "bad team", then what it really shows is that the east is still drowning in mediocrity, at least at the back.
Some have said that if the Senators had run at their post-Clouston pace for the entire season, the team would end up with something like 105 points for the season, which would put them in the upper half of the field (the elite of the East, actually). But really, who can maintain this kind of pace for an entire season?
Overall I am pleased at seeing the better hockey being played, but I am still not entirely convinced that this team is a tweak or two away from being a contender.